Paige Martin LMT, Cert ZB

Paige Martin LMT, Cert ZB


Zero Balancing is a form of bodywork designed by Dr. Fritz Smith, a doctor of Acupuncture and Osteopathic MD.

The technique involves touch to the bones and at the joints and then traction (a gentle pull) through the whole body. This creates a balanced situation throughout the skeleton, which in turn releases tension in the muscles and brings ease to the joints.

A key component to Zero Balancing is that it addresses the whole person while focusing on specific needs. It does this by engaging one’s energy deep in the bones. This allows the body to adjust, or re-organize, both structurally and energetically.

What gives Zero Balancing its profound effect is that whatever re-arranging takes place, it is always integrated into the whole body, so that change is both precise and comprehensive.


Summer rolls with Salmon I've made this quite a bit this Summer. It really hits the spot when otherwise we might not feel like eating, from the heat (also, it's a funny task to accomplish with friends!). Gather an appetizer portion of Salmon each for however many people you are serving. I coat mine in Gomasio (lightly toasted sesame seeds and sea salt) first and then sear briefly. You can instead just season with Salt and Pepper (white is nice too) before searing. Next julienne (slice in super thin strips, sticks, slivers) Carrot, and Cucumber. One large Carrot and/or Cucumber goes a long way once julienned; keep that in mind. Then wash and prepare Watercress (Arugula is a good substitute), and slice Avocado. Once every bit is prepared, organize it all around you, fill a shallow bowl or pan with water and make a space to begin rolling. Dunk a sheet of rice paper in the water just until it is malleable. Lift it out with fingers and let it drip-dry a bit, like you would a wet sheet. Place it on work surface and begin to put a small amount of each ingredient just below the center of the paper, toward you. Now you can roll the end nearest you over the little mound, making sure to go a full revolution before folding the sides in and completing the roll. Usually Summer rolls are served with a Peanut dipping sauce, which I find inappropriate for these. I have used a Sweet Chili sauce, and also have used Wasabi Mayo with a little Rice Wine Vinegar, or Tamari with Garlic and Ginger is always nice. Enjoy!

an elephant in Mc Carren Park...

an elephant in Mc Carren Park...
Not really. but I was! Photos below...

Zero Balancing out-of-doors

Zero Balancing out-of-doors

me and Monica having a ZB session under the canopy of a tree

P. (me)

P. (me)


Paige has been seriously invested in the mystery and intelligence of the body for nearly 30 years. Her original training in Dance, and consequent un-raveling of that training, evolved into a wide scope of pathways. As an award-winning Dancer and Choreographer, an early apprenticeship with a renowned Osteopathic doctor, led to her own private practice and eventually to Zero Balancing. She is also a celebrated teacher of Movement and has just recently become a certified Yoga instructor. Currently, her involvement in the theoretical aspects of Five Element Acupuncture, as well as receiving Acupuncture for the last 5 years, has put her on track toward becoming an Acupuncturist herself.